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The Luxurious Touch of Cashmere: Understanding How Grade Influences Quality


Updated: Jun 5, 2024

Cashmere, the epitome of luxury and comfort, has long been cherished for its softness, warmth, and durability. Originating from the fine undercoat of the Kashmir goat, cashmere's allure lies not just in its soft touch but also in its exclusivity and quality. But what exactly determines the quality of a cashmere garment? The answer lies in the grading of cashmere fibers.


Grading cashmere is a meticulous process that assesses the fineness and length of the fibers. These two factors are pivotal in determining the overall quality, feel, and longevity of the final garment. Let's delve into the grades of cashmere and how they impact the quality of cashmere garments.

Grade A: The Pinnacle of Perfection

Grade A cashmere represents the highest quality available. Fibers in this category boast an impressive fineness, typically measuring between 14 to 15.5 microns in diameter, and a length ranging from 34 to 40 mm. Garments crafted from Grade A cashmere are distinguished by their exceptional softness, an attribute that is immediately noticeable to the touch. The fine fibers allow for a tighter weave, resulting in a fabric that is not only softer but also more insulating and less prone to pilling. Moreover, the longer fibers contribute to the durability of the garment, ensuring that it maintains its shape and luster even after years of wear.

Grade B: The Middle Ground

Sitting comfortably between the highest and lowest grades, Grade B cashmere is characterized by fibers that are around 19 microns in diameter. While not as fine as Grade A, Grade B cashmere still offers a soft and pleasant texture that is suitable for high-quality garments. The slightly thicker fibers mean that Grade B cashmere is less expensive than its Grade A counterpart, providing a balance between quality and affordability.

Grade C: The Affordable Option

Grade C cashmere is the most accessible of the three grades, with fiber diameters around 30 microns. This grade is noticeably coarser, which can result in a garment that feels rougher to the touch and may be more prone to irritation on sensitive skin. The thicker fibers also mean that Grade C cashmere garments are less durable and more susceptible to pilling compared to higher-grade cashmere.


While grading provides a fundamental understanding of cashmere quality, there are additional factors to consider when assessing a cashmere garment. The texture, color, and resilience of the fabric are also indicative of its quality. A high-quality cashmere garment should feel incredibly soft, display a natural luster, and spring back into shape when stretched.

It's important to note that not all cashmere garments will explicitly state their grade. Some may even use misleading labels. To ensure you're investing in a high-quality cashmere piece, rely on the tactile test: high-quality cashmere should feel luxuriously soft and smooth, without any hint of scratchiness.

The grade of cashmere is a crucial determinant of a garment's quality. Grade A cashmere stands out for its unparalleled softness and durability, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking the ultimate in luxury. Grade B offers a compromise between quality and cost, while Grade C provides an affordable entry point into the world of cashmere. When selecting a cashmere garment, consider the grade, but also trust your senses to guide you to the best choice for comfort and lasting elegance. For more insights into the world of cashmere and its grades, explore further at


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